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Book Linda Crill to Speak at Your Next Event

Linda's Signature Presentation

“What Now?” Creating Change to Stay Competitive
People and businesses tend to lock into the practices that gave them their initial successes, seeking to defend and extend their current products and services against all comers. The world is changing at a pace that requires planned disruption, proactive reinvention and a strategy to handle everything unplanned that provokes the question, “What Now?” This thought-provoking presentation shows practical ways to use short-term disruptions to generate long-term results. It’s a valuable message for any person or business that wants to go where the market will be tomorrow instead of remaining where it is today.
- Stop waiting for the question. Create the answers.
- Don’t think outside of the box. Blow it up.
- Quit defending and extending. Reinvent what you uncover.
Linda’s Other Popular Presentations
One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Unlocking New Value
Most organizations recognize the importance of innovation in advancing their competitive position or improving their business processes. However, many may not recognize that successful innovation is built on a framework of component functions, each of which is critical to the overall efficiency of the program. This presentation provides the framework for companies and business professionals to develop an operating model, define objectives and create a culture that forms the innovation process.
Key Takeaways:
- Develop alignment strategies to enhance the company’s competitive position.
- Design the processes and tools to gain a high level of participation and idea contributions.
- Artfully communicate the commitment necessary to brand the changes being championed.
If Leadership is a Game, These Are the Rules: They Keys to Leadership Success
Leaders are everywhere. They are business owners, executives and managers. They are teachers. They are parents. Anyone can be a leader—it is not something that comes with a particular job or vocation. This insightful session will reveal how to improve yourself, acquire the skills necessary to influence people and provide a blueprint to help others reach their maximum potential.
Key Takeaways:
- Influence others to join a cause greater than making a profit or creating good products or services.
- Paint a convincing picture of the future that motivates and prepares people for what’s coming.
- Devote time and energy to grooming talent, as well as recognizing and rewarding good work.
Blind Curves: How to Say Resilient
A breast cancer survivor, caregiver and widow, Linda Crill shares a powerful message that, regardless of where you are, whom you are with or how unappealing the future may appear, the next pages of your life can be enriching and fulfilling. Women’s groups and conferences rave about this distinctive presentation that helps people become what they are intended to be in spite of conditions that may stand in the way.
Key Takeaways:
- Change priorities when the world evolves in unforeseen directions.
- Use your resiliency muscle.
- Let go of what was and have faith in what will be.